Monday, May 18, 2020

Acuscan Critical Case Study - 1640 Words

AcuScan Critical Case Study To: Cliff O Connor Ââ€" CEO From: Pete xxxxx Ââ€" V.P. of Organizational Development As the new Vice President of Organizational Development, I look forward to the upcoming challenges concerning developing the Organizational Development department. I anticipate exciting times ahead as we pursue a new course with the development of a new product based on our current retinal scanning technology. It is apparent from the recent Scanner s Weekly and a Memo I received, that this company is at a crossroads concerning its future in the retinal scanning security business. Per your request, I have solicited information from all parties involved to make an informed consensus as to what is really going on. Assumptions:†¦show more content†¦4. Assumed staff would work together amidst the challenges for the good of the company. Arguments: Cliff O Connor: Argument made by Cliff that a new product would recapture our position as a market leader with our technology. Cliff further argues that Pat s creativity is what AcuScan needs right now. Sees Operation Optimize as not very different from the iScanner product and believes all managers realize the need for a new product to expand revenues. Pat Lambert: Argues that iScanner should be modified and launched in a new, non-vertical market, only solution for long-term growth in revenue. Pat argues that Kelly initially stated it is simple to build on existing applications. Finally, Pat also argues for additional money, for an outside contractor to complete the product on time. Kelly Thomas: Kelly argued that new product was more complicated to develop than the other managers could comprehend. Kelly believes company is rushing to develop new product, at the expense of quality; thus possibly damaging his teams and company s reputation. Chris Martinas: Arguments were the company must expand into other vertical markets. He also believed they needed to act quickly or risk losing any advantage in the new market. Lastly, agrees with Pat that new product will save the company. Analysis of Arguments: Cliff s argument for an additional means of revenue is logical but his approach, developing a new product when theShow MoreRelatedAcuscan Critical Thinking Case Study1708 Words   |  7 PagesUse the case materials to complete this assignment. ANALYSIS 1. Describe one (per instructors change week one) assumptions seen in any documents provided. a. Kelly Ââ€" Through several emails and communications, Kelly assume that there is not enough time to meet the deadline of August for the project. Even though Pat seems to show that, there is some chance to do so. b. Pat Ââ€" believes that an Operation Optimization project needs to be embarked on now to improve the market shares of AcuScan. SheRead MoreAcuscan Executive Summary 41018 Words   |  5 PagesEXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO: Cliff O’Connor, CEO AcuScan, Inc. FROM: TOM GRECO SUBJECT: ACUSCAN OPTIMIZATION PROJECT DATE: 5/5/2008 CC: GEN 480 STUDENTS Purpose and Scope of Document The purpose of this executive summary is to provide an overview of the status of the AcuScan Optimization Project, known as â€Å"Operation Optimize.† The objectives of the project are to increase revenues and grow market share by transitioning AcuScan into retail markets. Entry into this target market area is to be accomplishedRead MoreCompany Assessment: Acuscan2884 Words   |  11 PagesCompany Assessment: AcuScan Part One Analysis Describe all assumptions seen in any of documents provided in the case study. For full credit, provide AT MINIMUM: four to six assumptions held by Kelly; six to nine assumptions held by Pat; two to three assumptions held by Cliff; two to three assumptions held by Chris. Kelly Kellys assumptions include the idea that customers will not be interested in accepting a staged rollout of any new product, that Pat is too manipulative when it comes to ChrisRead MoreCase Study for Acuscan, Inc Essay1376 Words   |  6 PagesCritical Case Study Assignment Maurine Shaughnessy GEN/480 Paul C. Moretti, M.B.A. September 12, 2006 I am the newly hired Vice President of Organizational Development. My responsibilities include creating the Organizational Development Department. I look forward to working with all of you especially with finding a new and improved product based on our already developed retinal scanning system iScanner. First of all I am going to discuss assumptions made by Kelly Thomas, Pat Lambert, CliffRead MoreGen/480 Case Study3198 Words   |  13 Pagesbetween Kelly and Pat. He has left it to them to work it out. 2. Explain the arguments made by each of these people. Explanations should be comprised of two to six sentences for each of the following. e. Cliff O’Connor As the CEO of AcuScan, Cliff’s primary goal is to keep the company profitable and growing. The company is loosing market share as the products are limited to specific markets and becoming a commodity. Cliff’s job is to turn the company from this downward shift to become

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