Friday, June 19, 2020

Mathematics and Career Opportunities in Kenya - 2475 Words

Mathematics and Career Opportunities in Kenya (Coursework Sample) Content: WritingMathematics and Career Opportunities in KenyaCustomers NameCustomers Grade CourseCustomer tutors NameAbstract This is a paper which gives a discussion on the importance of mathematics and the student career opportunities in Kenya. This has been analyzed by giving the major foundations through which mathematics has been based on, and going ahead to give a description of some of the major career paths and opportunities which are available for students who have decided to undertake courses which have mathematics as the major building block. However, while that has been the major kind of discussion and analysis, it shall be necessary to note that all major careers have a greater co-relationship in mathematics and the reason why mathematics should be undertaken seriously in a country like Kenya. This shall be an appropriate approach towards the realization of goals and economic development and sustenance.Introduction Mathematics is one of the major subjects which ha ve greater influence on all the other subjects as well as the other career paths within the education process. Students who, for one reason or another, might have decided to ignore the Mathematics subject completely, or even decide not to take it more seriously within the Kenyan High Schools, have ended up doing the greatest of harm on themselves as well as forfeiting most of the possible future career opportunities which they might have been able to have later in their lives (Jimmy, 2003). Such students in a country which is on its development stages such as Kenya have essentially ended up turning out their own backs for more than what the marketplace might be able to offer by the end of it all. For instance, what should be succinctly agreed on with Kenyan education system is that the vast majority with all the university degrees in the country have been having Mathematics as one of the major requirement subjects. For this kind of understanding, the overall importance with the Math ematics subject is potential and a future in career development, and hence the major reason why mathematics should be emphasized in the student career opportunities in a country such as Kenya. Just to mention, there are a number of major career paths and objectives which undertake the need for fluent understanding and disposition with appropriate understanding and knowledge of the Mathematics subject and also Statistics (Crockett, 2008). These include physical sciences ranging from Chemistry, Engineering and Physics, the health and life sciences such as Biology, Human Psychology, Human Pharmacy and Nursing. The major social sciences currently including the fields of Anthropology, economics, communications, and linguistics also require enough understanding with mathematics. Education, geography, technological sciences and business commerce also require basic knowledge with mathematics. Actuarial science which has become a major career, and mostly used within the practices of the in surance companies and medicine have been demanding the use of mathematics for effective performance. An Overview: Mathematics Different individuals will almost have a similar understanding whenever the word Mathematics has been mentioned. Basically, from what has been passed across from generations to generations, mathematics should be referred to the fundamental study on things such as space, structures and quantity, and also change in quantities and values. This is the kind of understanding which appears to have the greatest impression on mathematics, and why it is such a resourceful kind of subject (Crockett, 2008). Looking at it, mathematics is a discipline which shall be aimed at seeking out a number of arrangements and patterns, and by so doing being able to effectively formulate a set of new conjectures and ideas aimed at the establishment of the truth through the adoption of rigorous and continued deductions from definitions and axioms which have been appropriately selected. Over the years, there have been a number of debates as to whether the mathematical values and objects like numbers and the adjacent points can exist on their own naturally, or whether they have been classical human creations. Because of this kind of understanding, a mathematician by the name Peirce Benjamin did define mathematics to be a science whose duty is in drawing the appropriate conclusions. However, a number of different opinions were held by people like Einstein Albert who did state that so long the mathematical laws might be referring some form of reality, what should be agreed is that they are not in any way certain; and since they are very far from the certain points, then in all costs they cannot be adopted as reference to the reality (Jimmy, 2003). Mathematics and Education One of the outstanding reasons towards studying of mathematics farther to an advanced stage has been on the very fact that it is a very interesting subject, and which is extremely enjoyable withi n the educational stance. People tend to like the challenge it does present, the clarity with it, and also giving the ability of solving problems which might be faced within the living situations. Due to the very many facets which define this subject, it has been able to find very many uses and adoptions within the higher learning process, and towards the development of future understanding and career establishment (Crockett, 2008). Because of this, there is the big need of being aware of the major importance with Mathematics, and the many spectacles which can define it. Mathematics as a subject should thus be studied as a pattern and also as a structure due to the logical approaches and analysis which define it. When talking about mathematics, it shall be agreed that there are very many areas within technology and science, and hence it is through the use of mathematics that such of these fundamentals have been established and analyzed. Because of this nature with mathematics, we s hould be able to see that the subject has become very pervasive and as well being able to influence all our daily lives, and at the same time being able to contribute to wealth realization of any given nation which has adopted it for major societal developments, and in the very end lead to economic sustenance (Brubaker, 2006). Because of this, very many relevant issues in our everyday day lives cannot move on without the adoption of arithmetic. All human attributes and engagements profoundly incorporate mathematics somewhere, and hence human beings cannot be able to live without practicing and employing a number of mathematical developments. Due to this spectacular nature of mathematics, we have to come to the agreement that mathematics is a major subject which can be greatly adopted within any given economy and as well lead all the learners towards such a path, and by so doing be able to realize the best of career goals for all the learners, and at the same time lead to economic de velopment for such a society or nation.Understanding the Importance of Mathematics Mathematics has become a very essential tool and a discipline which has managed to gain an overall worldwide recognitions, and because of this it does to be appropriately augmented within the education process, and by so doing be able to equip all our students with the appropriate skills which are necessary towards the achievement and realization of higher education, have better career aspirations and opportunities, and as well achieve what is known as personal life fulfillment. It is thus very significance to have mathematics as a major function of education delivery on the learner. Mathematics is a very critical subject which has the capability of enhancing the logical thinking and foundation of students, and as well improving their overall aesthetic and functional skills. Different career paths today will more often than not integrate a lot of mathematical ideas and reasoning, and hence the reason why human beings cannot do without mathematics today. Mathematics is a subject which will be applied by all in all daily activities and kind of roles which have been given to individuals (Mc David, 2008).Mathematics and Career Opportunities in Kenya Mathematics has been proven to be the appropriate path that can be undertaken and be adopted towards having appropriate career development. Mathematics has the capability of drawing into itself very many disciplines which can be adequately adopted in any given economy, and by so doing lead to economic development and sustainability. Different careers have had mathematics as a building block, and which appear to be pleasing for the greatest majority of students in the country. To begin with, teaching is one of the major career paths which have been undertaken by the greatest majority of individuals in the country. Teaching involves the passage of information and knowledge from one individual to another through an organized and official ap proach. The other important study path is in engineering. Engineering and its relations has been adopted in the majority of nations since it has been noted to be very promising towards the realization of economic goals and as well putting the necessary measures and tools which promote economic development through improvement of infrastructure. This has created a career opportunity which need be adopted by the greatest majority of individuals in Kenya. Actuarial science is the other discipline which has created a number of career opportunities in Kenya over the past few years. Actuarial science is hence a major field and possible career which takes statistics and mathematics as a core tool and subject, and goes ahead to apply such studies on the fields of insurance and financial development. Actuarial science thus is a new field in the country which has been able to include a varied number of disciplines which appear to ...

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